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Children's and Young Adult Literature: Curriculum Materials

Library Catalog

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Library Resources

The Curriculum Materials Collection (CMC) is located on the lower floor near the Juvenile Literature collection.  The CMC maintains a collection of textbooks adopted by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.  Textbooks are collected for the grades and subject areas for which the UNCA Education Department offers teacher licensure.  The collection includes teacher editions, student editions, classroom activity resources and some manipulatives. The location designation for the collection is "CUR." Textbooks are available for check out.

Searching the catalog:

To identify curriculum textbooks search the library catalog by subject or keyword and then "modify search" results to location "UNCA Curriculum."

 Browsing the collection:

Texts are grouped by grade level and then given a classification number.

Elementary (Grades  K-5) subjects are classed CUR 02 - CUR 20.

      CUR 08 - Elementary Mathematics
      CUR 12 - Elementary Reading
      CUR 14 - Elementary Science
      CUR 16 - Elementary Social Studies

Secondary (Grades 6-12) subjects are classed CUR 20 - CUR 99.

      CUR 50 - Foreign Languages
      CUR 61 - English
      CUR 70 - Mathematics

Key Web Sites

North Carolina Standard Course of Study

The Standard Course of Study includes the curriculum that should be made available to every child in North Carolina's public schools.

Textbook Adoption Services

This site provides information about the statewide textbook adoption process in North Carolina and includes links to the current list of adopted texts.