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Using the Library: Course Reserves

Course Reserves


Print Reserves



Course Reserves is a library service in which we put on print books, textbooks, videos, and other physical materials at the Ramsey Library's front desk on "reserve" for students enrolled in specific classes. These can be physical items owned by faculty, those in Ramsey Library's physical collections, or even items from ASU and WCU. Reserves typically check out for a few hours to a couple of days in order to ensure wide availability to students enrolled in these courses. Students can check out course reserves simply by walking up to Ramsey Library's front desk and requesting them. A listing of each course's materials on reserve can be found online by searching either the instructor or course.

Online materials such as ebooks, streaming film, or articles should be placed on classes' individual Moodle pages. If you need help finding the stable, full-text URLs to any subscribed online resource in Ramsey Library's collections, please contact our librarians at


For Instructors

Request to place a Book or Media Item on course reserve.

Online Resources may be shared securely with students via Moodle.
NOTE: Access to some ebooks and streaming media is subject to a limit on the number of concurrent users. Before assigning these resources, you may want to email to ensure seamless access to assigned online resources.

Copyright and Fair Use Questions 

See the Ramsey Library Copyright & Ethical Information Guide for more information. Questions and comments regarding phsical course reserves can be directed to Jhierry Lewis at General questions are also welcome at