Blacks in Appalachia. Edited by Turner William H. and Cabbell Edward J. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 1985
Race, War, and Remembrance in the Appalachian South. John C. Inscoe, Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 2008
Strangers No More: Memoirs. Lucy Herring, Carlton Press, 1983.
Waters, Darin J. 2012. Life Beneath The Veneer: The Black Community In Asheville, North Carolina From 1793 to 1900. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Academic Journal Articles
Judson, Sarah. "I Am a Nasty Branch Kid": Women's Memories of Place in the Era of Asheville's Urban Renewal." The North Carolina Historical Review 91, no. 3 (2014): 323-50.
Waters, Darin J., Gene Hyde, and Kenneth Betsalel. "In-Between the Color Lines with a Spy Camera: The Appalachian Urban Folk Photography of Isaiah Rice." Southern Cultures 23, no. 1 (2017): 92-113. https://www-jstor-org.
Waters, Darin J. “Philanthropic Experimentation: George Vanderbilt, the YMI, and Racial Uplift Ideology in Asheville, North Carolina, 1892–1906.” North Carolina Historical Review 95, no. 3 (June 2018): 313–39.
Cabbell, Edward J. "Black Invisibility and Racism in Appalachia: An Informal Survey." Appalachian Journal 8, no. 1 (1980): 48-54.
Other Material
YWCA History Page:
Dr. Sarah Judson's Asheville YWCA Oral History Class:
Archivist Gene Hyde's Blog Post on Lucy Herring:
ASCORE: With All Deliberate Speed: School Desegregation in Buncombe County: