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Jon Morris: Home


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Jon Morris
128 Ramsey Library, CPO #1500
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, North Carolina 28804

I can help you with...

  • Any reference and research questions
  • Choosing appropriate databases
  • Teaching library instruction sessions for classes.
  • Individual research help.  
  • Language Learning/Linguistics resource help
  • Drama/Theatre/Literature related research

About Me

I'm your Ramsey Library Reference and Information Literacy Librarian. Anytime you need help, you can often find me at the Reference Desk, or simply contact me via chat, email, or phone by using the information at left. I'm a huge proponent of travel and language learning, so if you need help finding resources for that too, do let me know (and of course don't forget about our wonderful Study Abroad department here on campus too!).


Jon Shelfie Pic
