A reference source is a compendium of authoritative information, compiled for ease of use.
Reference materials include
Medical reference books are located in the Reference R section on the first floor. Reference books are for in-library use only. Some useful titles are:
American Medical Association complete medical encyclopedia. Ref RC81 .A2 .A497 2003
Drug information handbook. Ref RM301.12 .D783 2005
Gray's Anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice. Ref QM23.2 .673 2005
English-Spanish, Spanish-Enlish medical dictionary. Ref R121 .M488 1996
Physicians' desk reference: PDR. Ref RS74 .P5
Other reference books relevant to health science include:
Encyclopedia of human nutrition. Ref QP141 .E526 2005
Encyclopedia of sports science. Ref GV558 .E53 1997
Encyclopedia of physical education, fitness, and sports. Ref GV567 .E49
Encyclopedia of aging. Ref HQ1061 .E56 2006
Gray's Anatomy Online
Text and illustrations through Bartleby.com
Encyclopedia of the human genome
(UNCA and WCU online access):
Contains a wide range of articles on structural genomics, functional genomics, chromosome structure and function, evolution and comparative genomics, genome mapping and sequencing, genes and disease, behavioral and psychiatric genetics, mathematical and population genetics, proteomics, bioinformatics, ethical, legal, and social issues, and history.
Encyclopedia of medical anthropology
(UNCA and WCU online access):
Contains articles on general concepts and perspectives, medical systems, political, economic, and social issues, sexuality, reproduction, and the life cycle, and health conditions and diseases, as well as overviews of specific cultures.
Encyclopedia of genetic disorders and birth defects
(UNCA online access):
Digital reference book with search function.