A reference source is a compendium of authoritative information, compiled for ease of use.
Reference materials include
American Literature, English Literature and World Literature in English (series):
American Drama to 1900 (Ref PS345 .B1 M47 1980)
English Drama, 1660-1800 (Ref Z2014 .D7 L55 )
English Drama, 1900-1950 (Ref Z2014 .D7 M545)
English Drama and Theatre, 1800-1900 (Ref Z2014 .D7 C72)
English Drama to 1660 , excluding Shakespeare (Ref Z2014 .D7 P46)
Modern Drama in America and England, 1950-1970 (Ref PS351 B1 H37 1982)
American Theatre: a Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1869-1914 (Ref PN2256 .B6 1994)
American Musical Theatre: A Chronicle (Ref ML1711 .B67 1992)
Century of Innovation: A History of European and American Theatre and Drama Since the Late Nineteenth Century (Ref PN2189 .B64)
Masterplots II: Drama Series (Ref PN6112.5 M37 1990)
American Drama Criticism 1890-1977; Supplement I, 1984; II, 1989 (Ref PS332 .A54 1979)
British Drama, 1890 to 1950: A Critical History; [Supplemented by British Drama, 1950 to the Present: A Critical History, and British Drama Before 1660: A Critical History] (Ref PR721 .D54 1989)
Modern Drama: A Checklist of Critical Literature on 20th Century Plays (Ref PN1620 .A1 A34 1967)
Critical Survey of Drama, revised edition, 1994. (Ref PR623 .C75 1994, v. 1-7)
Critical Survey of Drama: Foreign Language Series. (Ref PN1625 .C74 1986, 6 vols.)
Dramatic Criticism Index: A Bibliography of Commentaries on Playwrights from Ibsen to the Avant-Garde (Ref PN1620 .A1 B13 1972)
European Drama Criticism 1900-1975 (Ref PN1721 .B1 P35 1977); Supplement I, 1970
Guide to Critical Reviews (Ref PN2266 .B1 S16 1973)
American Drama, 1909-1969
The Musical, 1909-1974
Foreign Drama, 1909-1977
The Screenplay
Modern Drama: A Checklist of Critical Literature on 20th Century Plays (Ref PN1620 .A1 A34 1967)
Modern Drama: Scholarship and Criticism, 1966 - 1980. An International Bibliography (Ref PN1620 A1 B1 1986)
Research Guide to Biography and Criticism: World Drama (Ref PN1811 .B1 R48 1986)
Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry (Ref PR2965 .S44, v.1, 1985 - v.46, 1999)
American Playwrights Since 1945: A Guide to Scholarship, Criticism and Performance (Ref PS350 .B1 .A53 1988)
American Women Dramatists of the Twentieth Century (Ref PS351 .B1 C68 1982)
American Women Playwrights: 1964-1989: A Research Guide and Annotated Bibliography (Ref PS338 .W6 .B15 1993)
Black American Playwrights, 1800 to the Present (ASU, WCU)
Major Modern Dramatists (Ref PN1861 .M27 1984, v.1-2)
More Black American Playwrights: A Bibliography (ASU, WCU)
Contemporary Dramatists, 4th ed. (Ref PN468 .V5 1988)
Major Modern Dramatists (Ref PN1861 .M27 1984, v.1-2)
Chicorel Theater Index to Plays in Anthologies and Collections 1970-1976. (Ref PN1655 .B1 C45 1977).
Directory of the American Theater, 1894-1971 [Indexed to the complete series of Best plays, theater yearbooks, etc… ] (Ref PN6112 .B4524)
Drama Scholar's Index to Plays and Filmscripts (Ref PN1655 .S35)
Index to Full Length Plays, 1944-1964 (Ref PN1620 .A1 T52 1965)
Index to Plays in Periodicals (Ref PN1721 .B1 K35 1979) and Index to Plays in Periodicals 1977-1987, Supplement.
London Stage 1660 - 1800: A calendar of plays, entertainment, & masterpieces, casts… (Ref PN2592 .L6 v.1-5)
Index to Plays in Collections [Ottemiller's] (Ref PN1655 .O8 1988)
New York Times Theater Reviews, 1920 - 1990 [Online - Lexis-Nexis]
Play Index. 1949 to present. (Ref PN1600.5 .B1 P53 1949-1992)
Plays in Periodicals: An Index to English Language Scripts in Twentieth Century Journals (Ref PN1721 .B1 P38 1970)