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Drama: Reference

A resource center for students requiring information on the dramatic arts.

Using Reference Resources

A reference source is a compendium of authoritative information, compiled for ease of use.

Reference materials include

  • subject or general encyclopedias, dictionaries and thesauri 
  • statistics
  • biographical compilations
  • maps
  • indexes
  • bibliographies
Reference materials may be found on our main floor to the left of the Research Services Desk as well as online.

Online Resources

History of Drama

American Literature, English Literature and World Literature in English (series):

American Drama to 1900 (Ref PS345 .B1 M47 1980)
English Drama, 1660-1800 (Ref Z2014 .D7 L55 )
English Drama, 1900-1950 (Ref Z2014 .D7 M545)
English Drama and Theatre, 1800-1900 (Ref Z2014 .D7 C72)
English Drama to 1660 , excluding Shakespeare (Ref Z2014 .D7 P46)
Modern Drama in America and England, 1950-1970 (Ref PS351 B1 H37 1982)

American Theatre: a Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1869-1914 (Ref PN2256 .B6 1994)

American Musical Theatre: A Chronicle (Ref ML1711 .B67 1992)

Century of Innovation: A History of European and American Theatre and Drama Since the Late Nineteenth Century (Ref PN2189 .B64)

Masterplots II: Drama Series (Ref PN6112.5 M37 1990)


Drama Criticism

American Drama Criticism 1890-1977; Supplement I, 1984; II, 1989 (Ref PS332 .A54 1979)

British Drama, 1890 to 1950: A Critical History; [Supplemented by British Drama, 1950 to the Present: A Critical History, and British Drama Before 1660: A Critical History] (Ref PR721 .D54 1989)

Modern Drama: A Checklist of Critical Literature on 20th Century Plays (Ref PN1620 .A1 A34 1967)

Critical Survey of Drama, revised edition, 1994. (Ref PR623 .C75 1994, v. 1-7)

Critical Survey of Drama: Foreign Language Series. (Ref PN1625 .C74 1986, 6 vols.)

Dramatic Criticism Index: A Bibliography of Commentaries on Playwrights from Ibsen to the Avant-Garde (Ref PN1620 .A1 B13 1972)

European Drama Criticism 1900-1975 (Ref PN1721 .B1 P35 1977); Supplement I, 1970

Guide to Critical Reviews (Ref PN2266 .B1 S16 1973)

American Drama, 1909-1969
The Musical, 1909-1974
Foreign Drama, 1909-1977
The Screenplay

Modern Drama: A Checklist of Critical Literature on 20th Century Plays (Ref PN1620 .A1 A34 1967)

Modern Drama: Scholarship and Criticism, 1966 - 1980. An International Bibliography (Ref PN1620 A1 B1 1986)

Research Guide to Biography and Criticism: World Drama (Ref PN1811 .B1 R48 1986)

Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry (Ref PR2965 .S44, v.1, 1985 - v.46, 1999)

Playwrights & Dramatists

American Playwrights Since 1945: A Guide to Scholarship, Criticism and Performance (Ref PS350 .B1 .A53 1988)

American Women Dramatists of the Twentieth Century (Ref PS351 .B1 C68 1982)

American Women Playwrights: 1964-1989: A Research Guide and Annotated Bibliography (Ref PS338 .W6 .B15 1993)

Black American Playwrights, 1800 to the Present (ASU, WCU)

Major Modern Dramatists (Ref PN1861 .M27 1984, v.1-2)

More Black American Playwrights: A Bibliography (ASU, WCU)

Contemporary Dramatists, 4th ed. (Ref PN468 .V5 1988)

Major Modern Dramatists (Ref PN1861 .M27 1984, v.1-2)

Plays - Indexes and Reviews

Chicorel Theater Index to Plays in Anthologies and Collections 1970-1976. (Ref PN1655 .B1 C45 1977).

Directory of the American Theater, 1894-1971 [Indexed to the complete series of Best plays, theater yearbooks, etc… ] (Ref PN6112 .B4524)

Drama Scholar's Index to Plays and Filmscripts (Ref PN1655 .S35)

Index to Full Length Plays, 1944-1964 (Ref PN1620 .A1 T52 1965)

Index to Plays in Periodicals (Ref PN1721 .B1 K35 1979) and Index to Plays in Periodicals 1977-1987, Supplement.

London Stage 1660 - 1800: A calendar of plays, entertainment, & masterpieces, casts… (Ref PN2592 .L6 v.1-5)

Index to Plays in Collections [Ottemiller's] (Ref PN1655 .O8 1988)

New York Times Theater Reviews, 1920 - 1990 [Online - Lexis-Nexis]

Play Index. 1949 to present. (Ref PN1600.5 .B1 P53 1949-1992)

Plays in Periodicals: An Index to English Language Scripts in Twentieth Century Journals (Ref PN1721 .B1 P38 1970)

Project MUSE
