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Physics Research: Reference

Information resources in Physics available through Ramsey Library.

Using Reference Resources

A reference source is a compendium of authoritative information, compiled for ease of use.

Reference materials include

  • subject or general encyclopedias, dictionaries and thesauri 
  • statistics
  • biographical compilations
  • maps
Reference materials may be found on our main floor to the left of the Research Services Desk as well as online.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Wolfram Alpha Search

Physics Handbooks and Formulas

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, now in its 90th edition, adds several new tables that will be among the most accessed in the world. These include Structure and Functions of Common Drugs, Solubility Parameters of Polymers, Major World Earthquakes, and Equilibrium Constants of Selected Enzyme Reactions. It adds major updates to several more, including Threshold Limits for Airborne Contaminants, Mass Spectral Peaks of Common Organic Solvents, and Properties of the Solar System. It also adds a table of the Handbook's greatest fans: Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics.

Knovel Critical Tables

Features tables of properties for commonly used chemical compounds in the physical properties tables. Information has been indexed to allow fielded searches (example: find all alcohols with a boiling point between 50-100 Celsius). Results can be manipulated in spreadsheet-like tables, allowing you to sort and select only the information you need.

Atomic data and nuclear data tables

 A journal devoted to compilations of experimental and theoretical results.

International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology

7 volumes and index (first electronic edition). Originally published for the National Research Council, ICT offers data on physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, and other key properties. Many tables are interactive. The full text of the original print version is available in PDF format. Information has been indexed to allow fielded searches (example: find all alcohols with a boiling point between 50-100 Celsius). Results can be manipulated in spreadsheet-like tables allowing you to sort and select only the information you need.

Smithsonian Physical Tables

Comprising 901 tables concentration on a broad scope of common physical and chemical data. All entries in the index are hyperlinked to their page numbers.

Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST Information at the foundation of modern science and technology from the Physics Laboratory of NIST

Physics Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Book Cover

Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology 3rd ed

REFERENCE Q134 .E497 2002


Book Cover

McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Physics

REFERENCE QC5 .M4245 2005


Book Cover

The Facts on File Dictionary of Physics