To find books at UNC Asheville, Appalachian State University or Western Carolina University, start with our catalog.
Choose "Request Item" to have books from ASU or WCU delivered to UNC Asheville via ABC Express.
To find books beyond our library network, try WorldCat.
Materials not held within our network can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
It's usually best to start with a keyword search, but subject headings applied to relevant books can help to refine your results. Open the item record of a book that interests you. Scroll down to the clickable subject headings, and run another search to explore similar books.
You can also browse the headings associated with a particular topic as a way of getting started with your research.
Books on Black Mountain College are located in a number of locations in the library. Click here for a link to the library map.
For books on the cultural impact of Black Mountain College, these are in the N class range of the upper level of the library. Within the N range, material is organized topically. There is not one specific "Black Mountain College" header, but there are materials concerning specific topics such as the art of the students and the history of the facility located throughout the library.