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Research Support: Research Consultation Request

Research Consultations at Ramsey Library

Schedule a One-On-One Appointment with our Research Team!

Each of our research staff has series of subject specializations, but all are ready and able to help you with any of your research needs. Check out their profiles below to see their subject specializations!

Meet the Research Services Team

Jonathan Morris • Reference & Information Literacy Librarian
The Basics...
Hometown: Locally grown in the Blue Green Hills of WNC
Academic Background: MS in Information Science, BA in English/ Creative Writing, Teaching English as a Second Language Certification, Japanese Language Proficiency Test - N2.

A favorite quote: "When the quality and reliability of our information decreases, the quality and reliability of our decisions also decreases." -John Greene.

Subjects I can help you do research in...

- Accounting
- Africana Studies
- Ancient Mediterranean Studies
- Anthropology
- American Indian and Indigenous Studies
- Art and Art History
- Arts Management and Entrepreneurship
- Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
- Asian Studies
- Astronomy
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Biology
- Chemistry & Biochemistry

- Computer Science
- Contemplative Inquiry
- Drama
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering
- English
- Environmental Studies
- Ethics and Social Institutions
- Food, Food Systems, and Culture
- French
- German
- Health and Wellness

- History
- Humanities
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- International Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Languages and Literatures
- Latin American and Transatlantic Studies
- Legal Studies
- Management
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Music
- Music, Jazz and Contemporary
- Music Technology

- Neuroscience
- New Media
- Philosophy
- Physics and Astronomy
- Political Science
- Pre-Health Professionals
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Sustainability
- U.S. Ethnic Studies
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies