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A classic title in career and job guidance.
To find career-related titles in the WNCLN library catalog, you can do keyword searches related to your job interest, but we suggest starting with subject heading searches to get an overview of what is available.
The library system ignores capitalization and punctuation, so you can enter a search for:
Occupations - Handbooks, manuals
as simply:
occupations handbooks manuals
With that said, here are other suggested subject headings:
Resumes (Employment)
Vocational Guidance
Employment interviewing
You may use disciplines or professions with the subdivision (subheading) vocational guidance:
Music - vocational guidance
Teaching - vocational guidance
Psychology - vocational guidance
Most books that provide general information about jobs, careers, and resumes fall between the call numbers HF5381 and HF5386 on our Upper Level.
Other books about more specific kinds of careers may be found in other areas of the library. To locate these materials, try a subject heading or keyword search that incorporates both your field of interest and "vocational guidance" (see above). This should bring up a few books and give you an idea of where related books may be found.
One series of books describes the kinds of jobs available for specific majors, such as Great Jobs for Accounting Majors. These books can be found under a variety of call numbers. For example, Great Jobs for Music Majors has the call number ML3795 .G74 2005, while Great Jobs for Political Science Majors is under JA88.U6 R68 2004. Try searching "Great Jobs" in the catalog to see what is available.