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Rhetoric and Composition: Books

Finding Books

General Resources & Reference Materials:

Browsible Call Number Ranges

The following are linked to our catalog's call number browse interface:

P1-P1091--Philology. Linguistics

P301-P301.5--Style. Composition. Rhetoric

PE1001-PE1693--Modern English

Searching by Subject

An alternative way to find books and ebooks on rhetoric and composition are by subject headings. The following are some related subject headings to try in our catalog, linked to those books and ebooks with that heading. Note that you can greatly expand your results by selecting the entire WNCLN network from the drop down at the top of any of the below linked pages.

*Rhetoric Headings List


English language -- Rhetoric

Closure (Rhetoric)

Exposition (Rhetoric)


Description (Rhetoric)

Digression (Rhetoric)

Discourse analysis

English language -- Composition and exercises

Invention (Rhetoric)

Language arts

Narration (Rhetoric)

Persuasion (Rhetoric)

Political Oratory United States

Repetition (Rhetoric)



Rhetoric Ancient

Rhetoric Medieval

Rhetorical Criticism

Make note of the differing subject headings available at the bottom of each record you find in our catalog. These are all hyperlinked to other books with the same major topic (aka subject heading) in our collection. Example:

subject headings example 

Lastly, the above subject headings can also be effective as searches (subject or keyword) in our article databases.