A reference source is a compendium of authoritative information, compiled for ease of use.
Reference materials include
Located in our Reference area (Main Floor)
Brill's New Pauly : encyclopaedia of the ancient world REF DE5 .N4813 2002
Classical and medieval literature criticism REF PN610 .C53
Dictionary of ancient history REF DE5 .D53 1994
Great Events From History: Ancient And Medieval Series (3 volumes) REF D59 .M26
L'Année philologique REF PA35.B1 A56 (Classics now offers L'Annee Philologique online @ http://www.annee-philologique.com/aph/index.php/)
In the General Collection (Upper Floor)
Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World.
This is a multi-volume monographic series covering ancient history, literature, and culture. Each volume is catalogued separately under the Library of Congress classification scheme. Most volumes fall under the PA6276 classification.
On CD-Rom:
Die Fragmente Der Griechischen Historiker PA3490 .J33 2005
Barrington Atlas Of The Greek And Roman World REF DESK G1033 .B3 2000 CD-ROM
Atlases: (Located in the Reference Section)
Barrington Atlas Of The Greek And Roman World G1033 .B3 2000
Historical Atlas Of The Classical World, 500 BC--AD 600 DE59 .H427 2001
Historical Atlas Of The Ancient World DE5 .N4813