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African American Studies: Bibliographies

a guide to resources

Using Reference Resources

A reference source is a compendium of authoritative information, compiled for ease of use.

Reference materials include

  • subject or general encyclopedias, dictionaries and thesauri 
  • statistics
  • biographical compilations
  • maps
Reference materials may be found on our main floor to the left of the Research Services Desk as well as online.



The African American Male:  An Annotated Bibliography.  Compiled by Jacob U. Gordon.  Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 1999.  REF E185.86 .B14

Afro-American Nationalism: An Annotated Bibliography of Militant Separatist and Nationalist Literature. / Agustina Herod. New York: Garland, 1986. REF E185.625

Black White Relations in American History: An Annotated Bibliography.  / Leslie Tischauser.Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1998.  REF E185.61 .B1 T53

Blacks in the American West and Beyond - America, Canada, and Mexico: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography.  /George June. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000.  REF E185.925 .B1 J86

Harvard Guide to African-American History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.  REF E185 .H326 2001

Racism in Contemporary America. / Meyers Weinberg. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. REF E185.61 B19 1996
