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African American Studies: Statistical Sources

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Online Sources

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Statistical Sources

African Americans and the Color Line.  Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau 
REF E185.86 .S856

Black Americans, a Statistical Sourcebook.  Boulder, CO: Numbers & Concepts, 2007-2009. REF E185.5 .B512

Historical Statistics of Black America. Compiled and edited by Jessie C. Smith and Carrell Horton. Detroit: Gale Research, 1995. REF E185. H543 1995 (2 volumes)

Negro Population in the United States 1790 - 1915REF HA 205 A3.3

Statistical Abstract of the United States (vols. 1924, 1941-present)  REF HA 202;

Statistical Record of Black America. Compiled and edited by Jessie C. Smith and Carrell Hotrod. Detroit: Gale Research. 1990--  REF E185.5 S83 

United States Census. The library owns various census reports.
1790-1900 census reports are shelved in Reference HA 201.
1970 –1990 census reports are shelved in the government documents area C 3.
2000 census reports are available online.  See  

Featured Resources

Social science data available via ICPSR!


What is the average age at which men versus women begin smoking?

Does age at marriage differ between NC and other parts of the country?

How does age, gender, education, race, or ethnicity affect political attitudes?

All these questions can be answered by studies in ICPSR, the world's largest collection of digital social science data. ICPSR data cover topics from sociology, political science, economics, demography, education, child care, health care, crime, minority populations, aging, terrorism, substance abuse, mental health, public policy, and international relations.