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African American Studies: Journal Articles

a guide to resources

Finding Articles

To find a full-text copy of an article in a particular academic journal, magazine, or newspaper, you can search for the periodical title in the library catalog to see our full print and electronic holdings.

You can search by keyword or article title in our combined search for books and articles.

Google Scholar (see below) can also be used to search for academic resources.

If the full-text of the article is not available, submit an Interlibrary Loan request.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Key Subject Resources

More Subject Resources

Aspects of African American history and culture can be found in all subject disciplines. For a complete list of electronic indexes and databases available in Ramsey Library see our database list.

Find Full Text

Enter the Journal Title for full online and print holdings information.

Early American Imprints

Early American Imprints 1

Early American Imprints 2

Off-Campus Access

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