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The CrAFT Studio at UNC Asheville: Spring 2025 Symposium Printing Information

Now open on Ramsey Library's Lower Level, the CrAFT Studio is a multi-use creativity studio at the intersection of technology, creativity, and scholarship.

Large Format Printing Information for
Spring 2025 Undergraduate Research Symposium • April 22, 2025

Congratulations on your poster presentation for URP Symposium! The CrAFT Studio at Ramsey Library is ready to help you out with the printing process. On this page you will find deadlines, pricing, payment, formatting, templates, links to the UNC Asheville color palette, typography guide, logos, and departmental word marks. Once you are ready to go, you will submit your request on our Large Format Printer Submission Form!


Undergraduate Research Symposium Deadlines
Deadlines for submitting posters for printing for undergraduate symposium are the following:

  • If you submit your request by 5:00 pm on Thursday, April 17th, there is no additional charge for a rush print;
  • If you submit your request by 2:00 pm on Friday, April 18th, there is a $5 additional charge per print for a rush print;
  • If you submit your request by 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 20th, there is a $10 additional charge per print for a rush print;

No prints will be accepted for symposium on Monday, April 21st.

Why are these deadlines in place?
When you submit a print, the staff of the CrAFT Studio take the time to run the file through a thorough quality check, including image quality, spelling and/or syntax issues, and formatting issues. We want to ensure that your prints are the highest quality that they can be. You've worked hard on this research and we want to make sure that your poster reflects this hard work! Additionally, the volume of requests during symposium season increases exponentially, and we want to make sure that everyone's poster receives the same attention to detail. Each poster takes around 30 minutes to an hour to process, print, and dry.

What if I know I'm going to miss a deadline?
We totally understand that sometimes circumstances are outside of your control. Please contact the studio before the first (Thursday) deadline for symposium to lock in no-rush-fee pricing. Prints must be submitted by 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 20th for symposium.


Costs for printing posters for symposium using the studio's recommended paper types are as follows:

Paper Type Poster Size Submitted
by 4/18 5:00 pm
by 4/19 2:00 pm
by 4/21 11:59 pm
Standard (Coated) Small Poster (18 x 24 in.) $11.25 $16.25 $21.25
Medium Poster (24 x 36 in.) $18.75 $23.75 $28.75
Large Poster (36 x 48 in.) $30.00 $35.00 $40.00
Heavyweight (Coated) Small Poster (18 x 24 in.) $15.00 $20.00 $25.00
Medium Poster (24 x 36 in.) $25.00 $30.00 $35.00
Large Poster (36 x 48 in.) $40.00 $45.00 $50.00
Photo (Satin) Small Poster (18 x 24 in.) $37.50 $42.50 $47.50
Medium Poster (24 x 36 in.) $45.00 $50.00 $55.00
Large Poster (36 x 48 in.) $60.00 $65.00 $70.00
Photo (Glossy) Small Poster (18 x 24 in.) $22.50 $27.50 $32.50
Medium Poster (24 x 36 in.) $37.50 $42.50 $47.50
Large Poster (36 x 48 in.) $60.00 $65.00 $70.00

Are these the only papers you keep in stock?
No; we have other papers, but these are the four types we recommend for poster presentations. Lightweight universal copy weight is too light weight, and the premium papers are meant for either water resistant or fine art applications. We will automatically upgrade lightweight universal copy weight prints to standard coated prints for symposium at the additional cost.

Can I bring in my own paper?
We do not allow folks to bring in their own paper. There is a possibility your paper could damage our printers.


How can I pay for printing?
For debit/credit cards, you will receive a e-mail upon receipt of your file from the CrAFT Studio with a price and confirmation that you can pay for the print at the Circulation Desk on the main level of the library. Do not go to the library to pay before receiving the confirmation email!

Can departments pay for printing?
Absolutely! Ask your faculty advisor about the department fund that your print should be charged to, and include that in your submission, or confirm with your faculty advisor that the Studio has their fund number on file.

Where do I pick up finished print jobs?
After your item has successfully printed, you will receive an e-mail, letting you know your item is finished. The pickup location is at the front Checkout + Research Desk at the library.


What file type do I need to send in?
You can submit either a PDF or a standard image file (e.g. JPEG, PNG, or TIFF) at native resolution for printing. We cannot print Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign file types (.psd, .il, or .id).

Can't I submit a PowerPoint/Keynote file?
We do not accept PowerPoint or Keynote files due to the chance of formatting loss. There is a distinct possibility that images, fonts, and/or formatting will not transfer correctly, and we want to make sure your poster matches what you see on your screen. Our Designing a Poster guide has detailed instructions on how to easily convert files into PDFs.

What about Google Slides or Docs?
We do not accept Google Slides or Docs due to the possibility of formatting loss. When you give us access to the file, the Studio would require editing capabilities to export the file to PDF. To download your document so it can be opened by other programs, click File > Download as and choose PDF as your file type. 

How large can my file be in megabytes?
We can accommodate any size of file. On the Large Format Submission Form, select File Upload if the file size is under 100 MB, or Google Drive Link if the file's size exceeds 100 MB.

What are some things I need to pay attention to as I design my poster?
There are some basic tips below to help you design the best possible poster!

  • Pay attention to your images and text!
    • Does your poster contain images or graphs? Make sure that they are as high quality as possible, and that you’ve looked at them at full resolution!
    • If you are using a transparent .PNG or .GIF, make sure there is a solid colored background behind it! We have encountered issues with the raster engine on our printer dropping in black backgrounds.
    • Also, make sure you’re using images that are labeled for reuse and citing them correctly; images with obvious watermarks will be rejected based on copyright infringement.
      • Sources for images suitable for reuse include Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons, Flickr’s advanced search, and Google Images (Tools > Usage Rights > anything except Not filtered by license).
      • Images that fall under the definition of fair use; What is “fair use”? Fair use is defined as “is a copyright principle based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism.” Downloading random images from Google Images does NOT constitute Fair Use. For more information on the four tenets of Fair Use we utilize to verify prints, visit
  • Pay attention to the resolution!
    • Make sure you’re designing the poster at the size you’re requesting!
    • Default slide sizes on PowerPoint are not the correct size.

What will the CrAFT Studio not print?
The CrAFT Studio will not print items that are:

  • prohibited by local, state or federal law;
  • can be considered unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others, and as such use may violate the terms of agreement with the manufacturers of our equipment;
  • or is in violation of someone else's intellectual property rights, copyright, patent, or trademark protection.

We reserve the right to reject any print job or scan request, and that includes items that contain material that is obviously under someone else's copyright, including images with obvious water marks, or uses an artist's renderings without their express permission.


What program should I use to create my poster?
You can use a wide variety of programs to create your poster! We recommend using Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, macOS Keynote, or Canva to create your posters, as these are the most intuitive to design for academic content and give you lots of flexibility for creative content as well! We have a guide on how to design posters and have templates for all four in our three most popular sizes of posters linked below.
