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Explore library resources using the search tools below.

classic catalog

Classic Library Catalog     •books & more
Find books, music, video, print and online journal titles and more. 


WNCLN WNCLN (Western North Carolina Library Network)     •books & more
Search the shared collections of UNC Asheville, Appalachian State University and Western Carolina University. Materials requested from our partner libraries will arrive via the ABC Express courier service Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 
Worldcat Worldcat   •books & more
Search the shared collections of libraries from North America and around the world.
Request materials via Interlibrary Loan. 
For UNC system materials, try UNC Library Express.
research databases

Research Databases     •articles
Browse our collection of research databases (containing indexes, full text articles, eBooks, images, streaming audio and video and more) by Subject or by Title. Choose a database and search for articles. 


Google Scholar     •articles •ebooks
Search for articles and books from a wide range of scholarly publishers. 

*Click Settings, then Library Links and then enter "Western North Carolina Library Network" to be identified as a UNC Asheville user for content we subscribe to. You'll be prompted to enter your name and RockyCard number before accessing subscription content.

Journal Finder Journal Finder     •journals •ejournals
Use this search if you need to find a specific journal or if you have an article citation and need to find the text. Search for the journal title to see the full print and online holdings. 
eJournal Finder eJournal Finder     •ejournals
Browse eJournals by subject or title
Special Collections Special Collections     •archival materials
Search or browse our extensive digital archives or use finding aids to locate an item in our physical archives. Also find senior papers and MLA theses. 

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